In a world where reality is magic, what would you do if you had a wizard next to you?
In The Magic Universe, there are no hocus-pocus-tricks, JUST REAL LIFE ENCHANTMENT. “…so that all children can live the magic in their lives, every moment of every day and remember that magic never goes away.”
Join Chandra on an adventure to meet his funny, funky wizard, whose wise words flow with rhythm and rhyme. Master the art of working with your wizard or witch π and become versed in making your life Magical. An enchanted family read. Every page has a magical positive omen that will TURN YOUR FAMILY LIFE INTO A MAGICAL STORYBOOK ADVENTURE.
The Magic Universe is the place where all ages and stages come together to play. For younger wizards or witches, read one page at a time, play with the magical spells, let it come alive in your lives. “Wizz in, Wizz out, that’s what a real wizard is all about” is a spell that will remind young and old that… “your breath has wings and flying it brings, you to important things.”
For more experienced wizards and witches, I hope that your children will turn you into Magical Moms and Radical Dads by singing the spells, over and over and over and over and over and over again. And another over π
May magic be with you,
The witch of love in motion
Know your Magic. Do the βWhat Kind of Wizard or Witch are you?β Quizzzz at